KG Department
Al Hamaraa International Schools believe kindergarten is an essential part of the total school program and provides an opportunity for continuous growth and development of young children. Furthermore, we believe children change as they grow. The pace of development differs among individuals; however, growth always occurs in orderly stages.
We believe every individual is unique. In planning a program for young children, this uniqueness must be respected. The Elementary emphasis is placed on readiness skills which provide a transition to a more formal instructional environment.
We believe children should receive their kindergarten experiences in a positive climate that is conducive to physical, intellectual, emotional and social growth. We further believe a well-equipped classroom staffed with enthusiastic, warm, supportive and well-trained personnel who can make immeasurable contributions to the educational lives of children.
We believe children learn best in a rich and varied environment where exploration is encouraged. Through exploration and play with real objects, children discover, clarify, organize and extend meanings as they grow in understanding themselves, others and their environment.
We believe home and the school should work together to provide experiences that contribute to a positive self-perception for children.
1.1 KG 1 Curriculum English
“Pockets” Thematic Series: A program that takes on a prominent role in the development of skills essential to the progress of preschool children. Each unit and lesson integrates a variety of skills, including gross to fine motor, visual and auditory discrimination as well as pre- reading and writing skills. It also has Values Curriculum, which are age-appropriate values through engaging activities. The Workbook gives students focused reinforcement of what is taught in class, a wide range of exercises recycle and extend vocabulary and language structures. The accompanying Audio CD contains the songs and chants that students learn in class.
“I Can Do Math”: A Preschool program that offers carefully planned and engaged activities. It involves a lot of hands-on experiences and relationships with real objects and people to help develop and utilize their mathematical knowledge as a practical tool for solving problems in the real world.
“All Aboard”: A program that teaches preschool children phonemic awareness, sound/letter recognition, handwriting, visual and auditory discrimination.”“Math and Alphabet Booklets”: Specially designed homework booklets that provide our children with extra home practice to improve their mathematical knowledge and language skills.
1.1 KG1 Curriculum - Arabic
القرآن: نزل ليربي أمة وينشئ مجتمعاً ويقيم نظاماً فهو يساعد الطفل على تكوين شخصيته المستقلة، لذا وضع منهج القرآن الكريم من ضمن مناهج رياض الأطفال وقد تم اختيار السور الصغيرة من جزء عم التي تتناسب مع عمر الطفل في هذه المرحلة. منهج اللغة العربية: يتعرف الطفل على شكل الأحرف الهجائية ويتقن كتابتها بأساليب متطورة ومتنوعة في التدريس من قبل المعلمة وذلك باستخدام ملازم مجهزة لذلك.منهج الرياضيات: يتضمن المنهج الأرقام المقررة لهذه المرحلة بالإضافة الأشكال والمفاهيم والألوان
1.2 KG 2 Curriculum English:
Reading: The “Scott Foresman Reading Street”: A program that includes activities promoting language growth in listening, speaking, writing as well as reading and critical thinking. It is organized into four standards: Oral Language, Shared Reading, Letters and Sounds, and Language Arts. The standards work together to meet the needs of all children and to develop the basic reading skills that will enable them to become independent readers and communicate well in English.
Math: The “Scott Foresman Math”: A comprehensive year – long program that helps students develop an understanding and insight into the patterns of mathematics through use of tangible material. Science:
The “Scott Foresman Science”: A program that introduces preschoolers to the joys of learning through fun, engaging in hands – on activities and age-appropriate science.
Jolly Phonics Starter Kit: A special in-class program that provides further supporting materials for teaching children to read and write.
Math, Science, Alphabet and Reading Booklets: Specially designed homework booklets that provide our children with extra home practice to improve their mathematical, scientific and language skills.
1.2 KG 2 Curriculum –Arabic:
يهدف البرنامج الى الرفع من مستوى الطفل وإتقانه لجميع الأحرف الهجائية بأشكالها وأوضاعها ومعرفة أصواتها في الكلمة بصورة مبسطة. وتزويده بالمعلومات العامة التي تتناسب مع عمره. القرآن الكريم: منهج القرآن حفظ السور الصغيرة من جزء عم التي تتناسب مع الفئة العمرية لهذه المرحلة. منهج اللغة العربية: تطبيق إعداد ملزمة تشمل الاحرف وأصواتها وأوضاعها.
1.2.1 Extra Curriculum Activities
Physical Education: This program has been enrolled as part of our extra curriculum activities to insure and prepare our children to be physically and mentally active, fit and healthy, and improve their self-confidence and self-esteem.
Art: Learning to create and appreciate visual aesthetics is important to the development of our children; thus, it has been given a part of our extra curriculum activities. The Art program will help your child develop his/her motor skills, usage of language, decision making, visual learning as well as inventiveness and imagination.
1.3 KG 3 Curriculum – English
Reading: Reading Street: is a focused program designed to meet the objectives and intent of the Common Core State Standards for a program that includes activities to promote language growth in listening, speaking, writing as well as reading and critical thinking. It is organized into four standards: oral language, shared reading, word work, and language arts. The standards work together to meet the needs of all children and to develop the basic reading skills that will enable them to become independent readers and communicate well in English.Integrated curriculum subjects such as Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and Arts are to foster Problem Solving, Investigation and Inquiry. All contents are grouped as Big Ideas, allowing children to develop concepts and vocabulary at the same time. Every Big Idea or concept is supported by rich, accessible and engaging literature that enables children to participate in discussions and build new concepts.
Math: Go Math! is a focused program designed to meet the objectives and intent of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Go Math! is specifically written to provide thorough coverage of the CCSS with an emphasis on depth of instruction. Lessons begin with context‐based situations and progress toward more abstract problems. Students and teachers are supported as they advance from concrete to abstract content through the use of models and math talk prompts. The program is designed so that teachers can easily create the environments necessary for teaching the Common Core Standards with depth.
Science: Science Fusion: Offers students the opportunity to ask and answer questions, investigate and draw conclusions through textbook reading, digital lessons, and virtual labs. It's truly a course that appeals to all types of learners. The comprehensive, secular work texts cover all pertinent topics in the areas of life science, earth science, and physical science. Units within each book are divided into lessons which are done weekly. These workbooks are colorful and inviting for students and all information is included right at the student's fingertips on perforated pages. Each lesson begins with an Essential Question which encourages the student to search for the answer in their reading, and/or engage your Brain activities which include a prediction activity.
Kaizen Mental Math: Kaizen is a child development program based on Mental Math and the Abacus that boosts brainpower in children. Along with strengthening math skills, the Kaizen approach promotes whole brain development and establishes foundational building blocks like memory, concentration, creativity and problem solving – core skills that inspire greater confidence and success in all subject areas and in life. The program equips them with the skills they need to improve overall academic achievement and to confidently meet life’s challenges and achieve greatness.
1.3 KG 3 Curriculum - Arabic
منهج القرآن الكريم: منهج القرآن سورة الرحمن كاملة خلال العام الدراسي.منهج اللغة العربي: (كلماتي الممتعة) للدكتور جاسم المطوع مع إدخال قراءة القصص الخاصة بالأحرف الهجائية ومادة الإملاء لإتقان كتابة الكلمات.
1.3.1 Extra Curriculum Activities
Physical Education
This program has been enrolled as part of our extra curriculum activities to insure and prepare our children to be physically and mentally active, fit and healthy, and improve their self-confidence and self-esteem.
Learning to create and appreciate visual aesthetics is important to the development of our children; which it is why it has been given a part of our extra curriculum activities. The Art program will help your child develop his motor skills, usage of language, decision making, visual learning as well as inventiveness and imagination.