Elementary Curriculum
The curriculum recognizes the integrity of the child’s life as a child and aims to cater for her needs and potential as they evolve day by day. By meeting these needs, the curriculum enriches the child’s life and the foundations are laid for happiness and fulfilment in later education. The Elementary department adopts a world-class curriculum ready to shape well-rounded students, enabling them to excel in Standardized Tests while building the basics and preparing them for a smooth transition to Middle School and beyond. An interdisciplinary project-based learning approach is implemented allowing students to be actively involved in their own learning and to take responsibility for that learning.

Through exploration of different subjects, while applying cooperative learning, problem solving and critical thinking, students are guided to develop cognitive, social, and behavioral habits necessary for success in their school community and society.
1.2.1 Literacy Education
Students will develop their oral and spoken language that supports the development of communication skills and provide them with a foundation for learning and the ability to read and write. Reading and writing instruction are integrated and holistic as each process builds upon the other. English Language
English is the language of instruction for Science, Math, PSE and Social Studies.
Teachers and students work continuously on communication skills by training students on how to express themselves using Writing, Reading and Speaking. In addition, students practice their listening skills by working on Phonics, Spelling, Grammar, and Reading Stories. Furthermore, students will practice sentence structure, basics of grammar and spelling and widen their vocabulary in English expressions. French Language
In addition to English, students will be taking French as a second foreign language.
They will be discussing topics on Myself, My Family and My House; Days of the Week; name of colors, objects, and places. In addition, they will be practicing the correct usage of verbs, nouns, pronouns and answering simple questions.
French will be delivered once a week for higher grades and twice for lower grades Arabic Language
اللغة العربية هي من المواد الاساسية في قسم الدبلوما فالطالبة في الصف الاول الابتدائي تتعلم كيفية كتابة الاحرف الهجائية متصلة مع بعضها البعض وايضا تعرف على أصوات الاحرف مع الحركات ثم تتدرج في معرفة واتقان القواعد اللغوية والمهارات الكتابية الى ان تصبح قادرة على كتابة جملة بسيطة مركبة تركيب لغوي صحيح ثم في المراحل التي تليها تتوسع تدريجيا في تعميق القاعدات اللغوية والمهارات الكتاابية ثم في الصفوف العليا الرابع والخامس الابتدائي تبدا في معرفة الاعراب وكيفية انشاء جملة صحيحة الاركان وبنهاية هذه المرحلة تكون الطالبة قادرة على كتابة قصة على اسس لغوية صحيحة وتكون قادرة على القراءة بطرقة معبرة ومسترسلة .
1.2.2 Mathematics
Throughout the Math lessons, various problem-solving strategies are taught, in addition to advanced subtraction, addition, data analysis, multiplication, fractions/decimals, and division. Furthermore, the curriculum will cover topics on Geometry (Two and Three Dimensional Shapes and Data Collection and Analysis). Math will be delivered five times a week.
1.2.3 Science
The Elementary department offers four classes of science per week. In the classes students will learn through hands-on activities and different experiments in the Science lab, in addition to projects and researches they will do on their own and collaboratively with their teachers. The topics covered in Science include, Environments, Biology, Matter, Earth and Space.
1.2.4 Information Technology (IT)
The Elementary Department offers two class per week for grades 1, 2 and 3 and one class per week for grade 4 and 5. Throughout these classes, students will be given basic information about computers and Windows operating system. They will practice dealing with Office Software Package and other programs for treating pictures and photos on computers, and using the Internet browser. All lessons will be given practically in the Computer Lab.
1.2.5 Islamic Studies
هي من المواد الأساسية في قسم الدبلوما ففيها تتعرف الطالبة على أمور حياتها ودينها ففي المراحل الأولى تتعرف الطالبة على ربها ورسولها وماهي النعم التي من حولها ثم تبدا في التدريج في اصول الدين وايضا في معرفة السلوكيات الصحيحة في الصلاة والتعاملات مع الناس ثم تبدا في التعمق ومعرفة سيرة الرسول وصفاته ومواقفه .
1.2.6 Personal and Social Education (PSE)
The Physical Education Department believes that raising a healthy human being would depend on their mental and physical well-being. To this end the Physical Education program plays a fundamental, role in the students’ life, throughout their different ages.
In this sense, the Physical Education Curriculum will cover two aspects:
The group games such as basketball, Volleyball, Handball and Football. These games will aim to promote student's psychological performance through cooperation between team members, in addition to promoting positive thinking and the development of mental abilities by drawing up plans and knowing the artistic and legal aspects of games as well as venting students’ energies.
Individual games, such as Gymnastics and Karate, are practiced as they well reflect positively on students by gaining self-confidence and improving their mood, get rid of boredom and daily routines. Students will learn how to train alone and in groups at any times.
Through these collective and individual games, students will acquire the physical development and fitness from strength to speed, agility, flexibility, endurance and balance.
1.2.7 Art
The Fine Arts Program is delivered to students from Grade 1 till grade 5. The skills covered will be as follows:
Color Usage Skill: The students at the Elementary Level will be able to identify the primary colors and use them to identify the secondary and the tertiary colors. In addition, they will be able to recognize the cold and warm colors, their gradient, and shades. By the end of the fifth Grade the students will be able to add tonal dimensions to create an integrated artwork.
Using Scissors Skill: The student at the Elementary Level learns about scissors and their different kinds. In the First Grade, students will learn how to cut shapes in a straight or twisted way and by the Fifth Grade, students will be capable of forming three-dimensional models of paper using scissors.
Skill of using fonts: Students at the Elementary Level will learn how to draw different shapes of lines from straight, to italic, curved, and punctuation. First Graders will learn how to color spaces using various artwork. In the Fifth Grade, students will be able to make an integrated art painting by drawing lines or by using wool to form fonts based on the idea of Patterns.
- Attendance and Morning Assembly
By attending class regularly, students are more likely to keep up with the daily lessons and assignments, and take quizzes and tests on time. Thus, to stress on its importance, attendance, is graded by 1 point on daily basis.
Students are expected to be in school at 7:15 AM to attend the daily Morning Assembly. During the assembly, students and their teachers will present a topic of interest that they have been working on, furthermore the Social Worker, the School nurse or the Head of Department would present topics to increase students’ awareness of matters they find relevant to student’s life.
- Dismissal Time and Pick up Cards
The school working day ends at 2:15 P.M from Sunday to Thursdays.
Students’ Safety is a priority, Al Hamraa School is keen to ensure that dismissal time is safe, smooth and secure for all students. Therefore, KG & Primary students will receive 2 Pick Up cards from the school administration authorizing the card holder to pick up the child.
The person responsible for picking up student from school must submit Student Pick Up Card to the outdoor guard or duty teacher in order to dismiss the child. If the person responsible picking up the child does not have the Pickup Card, the administration will refuse to dismiss the child unless an official authorization is sent from the parent/guardian.
- Absence and Tardiness
If the child is not able to attend/or come to school, parent/guardian are requested to notify the administration early morning. Students are considered tardy if they come to class after 7:40 A.M. In this case, the floor controllers will contact the parent to clarify the reason of tardiness or the possible absence.
Absence is considered excused and no grades will be deducted in case of a Medical Report is sent to the administration or an excuse letter sent and signed by parents and filed the student’s record. Yet, in case of unexcused absence, one mark will be deducted from students Attendance Follow up Log.
- School Uniforms
School uniform is formed of: a white T-shirt; a navy dress and a red jacket, all labeled with the school’s logo. Students are expected to wear only black, white or navy shoes. In addition, students have a sport’s uniform formed of a navy pants and a jacket. Students are expected to come to school wearing the sport uniform in case they have Physical Education.
- Early Pick up
In case the student needs to leave the school during the regular school day, parents are requested to notify the administration about the early pick up as early as possible in the morning in order to arrange any necessary changes for test, quizzes and make sure that the students didn’t miss any.
In order to permit the pickup, parents/guardian should submit the Student Pick up card to the floor controller to authorize the early dismissal. Furthermore, parent/guardian is requested to sign the log of Early Pick up, placed with Floor Controllers.
- Emergency Drills
During the academic year Al Hamraa School practices two announced emergency Fire Drills, Parents/guardians and students will be notified with the date and time of the fire drill. During the evacuation, students will be guided with their teachers to the assembly points and will be trained on the proper behavior during emergencies. Furthermore, the Safety Team in the School conducts one unannounced fire drill to make sure that all staff personnel are aware of the procedures and the precautions to be taken during emergencies. Such a procedure helps us to prepare and train well our students for any emergency situation.
- Behavioral Code of Conduct
The students at the Elementary Level will be treated with lots of care from all the personnel working in the department. In case a problem arose in the classroom, the teacher will resolve the problem with the student in a professional manner. In case the problem persists, the Social Worker will be notified and she will be handling the student’s case with lots of secrecy and professionalism based on research-based strategies. In case the problem could not be solved the parents will be contacted to craft with an action plan to solve the problem.
- Birthdays and Other Celebrations
Children are welcomed to celebrate their birthdays in the school provided that their parents/guardians contacted the administration and arranged for the suitable date and time for the celebration. In addition, the administration will notify parents/guardians about items that are not allowed to bring for celebrations and if any student is allergic to certain types of food.
- Extra-Curricular Activities, Trips and Activities
Extra-Curricular activities in Al Hamraa Schools are considered as an integrate part of the educational curriculum aiming to lead the growth and enrich the experience of students, the development of their talents and their potential and work on achieving educational objectives. The educational objectives are related to enriching subject matters, improving skills and gaining new experiences in a scientific and practical approach. The scope of work extends inside and outside the classroom, during or after the school day.
Some of the activities in Al Hamraa School that will be carried out throughout the year would include but not limited to: Celebration of Official holidays and the National Day, the Annual Bazaar and the Annual Camp, in addition to the Art Competition, the Spelling Bee and the Reading Campaign. Furthermore, the department conducts two fun trips per semester.
- Health Services
Al Hamraa School aims to maintain the physical, mental and social health of students to gain positive health behaviors, practices and successfully maintain a healthy living style.
10.1 Head lice: On Monthly Basis, the School Nurse conducts checkup for head lice, a notification letter will be sent to parents in case of observed symptoms. Parents will be asked to keep student at home for 2 days of treatment course.
10.2 Illness and Medication: When the student is not feeling well, she is accompanied to the School Nurse who asks her some questions to facilitate diagnosis of her case. If the student can’t answer the questions and if judged necessary, the School Nurse contacts the parents in order to clarify the situation and to take their consent to give medicine to the student when deemed necessary.
- Students’ Accounts on Classera
Keeping a clear and effective channel of communication between home and school is crucial to students’ achievement. At the beginning of the year all students and parents will receive a username and a preliminary password on Classera that will be used for communicating all information related to student’s learning journey. Therefore, checking Classera on daily basis is vital.
- School Management System – Classera
Classera, the school learning management system, is a digital communication tool, which is fully adopted by the school to increase students’ engagement in their learning journey. At the beginning of the year, accounts are created for all students and their parents. In addition, mobile/tablet applications can be downloaded to keep students and their parents connected to school at all times. Classera system serves many purposes, such as revision of taken materials in classes (worksheets, power point presentations, videos); communication with teachers and administration; upload of important notifications, certificates, progress reports and report cards; recorded smart classes and library selection from other schools in the Kingdom.
- School Website
Another communication tool is the School’s website. It contains various information related to the Elementary Department as for the school in general. The Elementary Department can be found under the Academics – American Diploma – Elementary School menu where the following can be downloaded:
- Final Exams Schedules – dates and subjects of Final Exams.
- Weekly Plans – subjects/class work/homework/tests & quizzes dates and materials.
- Schedules – Class Schedules.
- Academic resources – suggested links for extra practice in different subjects.
- Time Schedule – trimming during Final Exams.
- Monthly Calendar – events and activities schedule during the month.
- Yearly Calendar - dates of Exams/Vacations/Meetings throughout the year.
- Exam’s Notifications – materials to be studied for the Final Exams.
- Advertising for Activities.